Sell Florida Manufacturing Business

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Sell Florida Manufacturing Business for Sale

Florida Business Broker / Sell Pest Control Business
Florida Business Broker / Sell Pest Control Business

Sell Florida Manufacturing Business

"Manufacturers in Florida account for 5.39% of the total output in the state, employing 4.23% of the workforce. Total output from manufacturing was $55.89 billion in 2018."


In troubled times, selling an essential business puts odds on your side for an expedient sale. Florida manufacturing industries are vibrant and turning profits.

Selling your business may be the most important decision of your life. You have sunk your heart and soul, blood sweat and tears into building it. Now you want to get the maximum reward for your hard work.

Sell Florida Manufacturing BusinessThe two most common mistakes a business owner makes when considering a sale are -
  1. Over Valuation will sit on the market forever
  2. Under Valuation will sell fast rob you of fair return
Over valuing is usually a result of personal and emotional attachment. Expecting an unreasonable return from your business can result in a very slow sell, or no sale at all.

A seasoned, professional business broker and business valuator will have to experience to know the comfort zone between an attractive property on the market and a "steal of a deal" that will cheat you out of your life's work.

Hiring a professional will surely save you time, money and headaches. Manufacturing businesses are usually high ticket oproperties - don't go it alone.

Sell your Florida Manufacturing Business with Business Brokerage Solutions and veteran Florida Business Broker, Jim Straza. Serving Ft Myers and SW Florida, South Florida and Central Florida

Sell Florida Manufacturing Business - Quickly & Quietly

Ft Myers Florida, Business

Ft Myers Florida, Living

Ft Myers, Florida / Golf

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Jim Straza Business Brokerage
Business Brokerage Solutions, LLC ● 10600 Chevrolet Way suite 206 ● Estero, FL 33928
Toll-Free: 866-238-1585 x156 ● 239-425-8843 ● Cell: 239-898-0970 ● Fax: 866-278-4271
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